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Remove bscpkgs flake from registry and add a top level common package set

Rodrigo Arias Mallo requested to merge hostpkgs into master

This MR attempts to simplify the usage of the jungle flake by providing top-level packages:

hut% nix build jungle#htop --print-out-paths

We do it by taking the hut pkgs set, which is equal in all other nodes (for now).

Additionally, the bscpkgs flake has been removed from the registry to prevent accidental usage of a different input nixpkgs:

hut% nix build nixpkgs#htop --print-out-paths
hut% nix build bscpkgs#htop --print-out-paths

It is available under jungle#bscpkgs with the correct inputs, in case it is needed:

hut% nix build jungle#bscpkgs.htop --print-out-paths

BSC packages are available directly under bsc.:

hut% nix build jungle#bsc.ovni --print-out-paths

We also remove the registry network lookup by manually specifying the entries from disk, so we can accelerate the evaluations.

Merge request reports
